农 学 (本科)
市 地 洛 阳
准考证号 030208103550
姓 名 赵 源 涛
一、题目: 红掌组培快繁过程中污染原因的分析及对策探讨
二、本环节自2009年6月30日起至20010年 6月30日
三、进行地点: 河南科技大学 四、内容要求: 综述简练完整,有见解;立论正确,论述充分,结论严谨合理,实验正确,分析处理科学;文字通顺,技术用语准确,符号统一,编号齐全,书写工整规范,图表完备、整洁、正确;论文结果有应用价值。
指导教师: 职称
批准日期: 年 月 日
摘 要
红掌(拉丁名:Spathiphyllum floribundum),亦叫安祖花,红鹤芋等,天南星科火烛属。其花色艳丽,花茎挺拔,叶型翠绿美观,是当今世界著名的切花和盆栽花卉之一,市场潜力大,具有极高的观赏价值和经济价值。红掌的繁殖方法通常采用分株繁殖、扦插繁殖和组织培养繁殖。但分株繁殖、扦插繁殖很难满足当前市场的需求,组织培养是红掌快速繁殖的有效途径。由于组织培养中经常出现不同程度的污染问题,造成很大的损失,因此控制污染是植物组织培养苗工厂化生产中重要的技术环节。本文从灭菌方法、内源性污染、继代培养中污染防治等方面,进行了红掌组培快繁过程中污染原因的分析及对策的探讨。
Andraeanum during tissue culture analysis of the causes of pollution and related countermeasures
Anthurium, also called Andrew Flower, lines such as flamingo, a Fire Araceae. Its bright colors, tall and straight stem, green leaf-type appearance, are well-known in today's world of cut and potted flowers, one large market potential, with high ornamental value and economic value. Flower andraeanum breeding methods commonly used ramets propagation, cutting propagation and tissue cultur e propagation. However, ramets propagation, cutting propagation is difficult to meet current market demand, tissue culture andraeanum Flower Express are an effective way of breeding. Tissue culture because of the frequent occurrence of various degrees of pollution, resulting in great loss, so control of pollution are industrial plant tissue culture vaccine production technology in the important aspect. This article from the sterilization method, endogenous pollution subculture in such areas as pollution prevention, to discuss how to minimize the emergence of tissue in the pollution problems.
KEY WORDS: Anthurium,tissue culture, sterilization, pollution,prevention and treatment
红掌(拉丁名:Spathiphyllum floribundum),天南星科火烛属,原产地哥伦比亚。其花色艳丽,花茎挺拔,叶型翠绿美观,是当今世界著名的切花和盆栽花卉之一,市场潜力大,具有极高的观赏价值和经济价值。其繁殖方法通常采用分株繁殖、扦插繁殖和组织培养繁殖。但分株繁殖、扦插繁殖很难满足当前市场的需求,组织培养是安祖花快速繁殖的有效途径。
表1-1 培养基高压蒸汽灭菌所必须的最少时间
容器的体积(ml) 在121。C下灭菌所必须的最少时间(min)
20-50 15
75-150 20
250-500 25
1000 30
1500 35
2000 40
表2-1 常用消毒剂的消毒效果比较
使用浓度(%) 去除难易 消毒时间(min) 效果
次氯酸钙 9~10 易 5~30 很好
次氯酸钠 2 易 5~30 很好
漂白粉 饱和溶液 易 5~30 很好
过氧化氢 10~12 最易 5~15 好
升汞 0.1~1 较难 20~30 好
酒精 70~75 易 几秒至几分钟 好
抗菌素 4~5(mg/L) 中 30~60 较好
3、操作前要用70% 的酒精擦洗工作人员的手,操作中要经常用酒精擦洗手。不准讲话,亦不准对着操作区呼吸,以免微生物污染材料、培养基和用具。每次重新操作都要把工具在火焰上消毒。
对已污染的红掌组培苗,有时因植物材料难得或重新发生要花费很多时间,也可切取较大的植株重新消毒接种。李春燕等用400或600万单位/L的青霉素无菌水溶液分别浸泡红掌组培细菌污染苗60min或40min,可有效防治组培中的细菌污染。经处理过的苗继代培养时,不再重复出现细菌污染现象,且苗分化能力强,生根培养时,根系发达,移栽成活率高[7]。李颖等的实验研究证明,如果继代培养中只有真菌污染,采用3%的多菌灵无菌液浸泡0.5h以上即可,用无菌水冲洗后接种或不用无菌水冲洗直接接种都可消除真菌污染。如果在细菌污染和细菌、真菌同时污染的情况下,可采用 HgCl2消毒法,把污染的红掌培养苗切割成较长的茎段作外植体,用自来水冲洗0.5h,再在超净工作台上用乙醇和HgCl2进行短时间的处理即可再度建立无菌苗培养体系[8]。
[5]黄小荣 ,杨开太.香水白掌的组织培养,广西林业科学,2001,30(1):39-40
[7]柴向华,李军,张秀珊.植物组织培养中污染的控制,《热带农业科学》 2003.23(6):40-43
[13]biotec. 植物组织培养苗之污染与检测[EB/OL].2006,15(1):16-17
[14]林盛,马崇烈,胡东琼. 组织培养中污染的控制[J],广西农业科学,1994(2):87-88.
1、高压灭菌方法是最常用的物理灭菌方法,高压灭菌的原理是:在密闭的蒸锅内,其中的蒸气不能外溢,压力不断上升,使水的沸点不断提高,从而锅内温度也随之增加。在0.1MPa的压力下,锅内温度达121 ℃。在此蒸气温度下,可以很快杀死各种细菌及其高度耐热的芽孢。注意完全排除锅内空气,使锅内全部是水蒸气,灭菌才能彻底。高压灭菌放气有几种不同的做法,但目的都是要排净空气,使锅内均匀升温,保证灭菌彻底。常用方法是:关闭放气阀,通电后,待压力上升到O.05MPa时,打开放气阀,放出空气,待压力表指针归零后,再关闭放气阀。三次放气后,关阀再通电,压力表上升达0.1~0.15Mpa时,维持15~20min。对高压灭菌后不变质的物品,如无菌水、栽培介质、接种用具,可以延长灭菌时间或提高压力。而培养基要严格遵守保压时间,既要保压彻底,又要防止培养基中的成分变质或效力降低,不能随意延长时间。对于一些布制品,如实验服、口罩等也可用高压灭菌。洗净晾干后用耐高压塑料袋装好,高压灭菌20~30min。高压灭菌前后的培养基,其pH值下降0.2~0.3单位。高压后培养基pH值的变化方向和幅度取决于多种因素。在高压灭菌前用碱调高pH值至预定值的则相反。培养基中成分单一时和培养基中含有高或较高浓度物质时,高压灭菌后的pH值变化幅度较大,甚至可大于2个pH值单位。环境pH值的变化大于0.5单位就有可能产生明显的生理影响。高压灭菌通常会使培养基中的蔗糖水解为单糖
3、干热灭菌(玻璃器皿及耐热用具)干热灭菌是利用烘箱加热到160~180。C的温度来杀死微生物。由于在干热条件下,细菌的营养细胞的抗热性大为提高,接近芽孢的抗热水平,通常采用170 ℃持续90min来灭菌。干热灭菌的物品要预先洗净并干燥,工具等要妥为包扎,以免灭菌后取用时重新污染。包扎可用耐高温的塑料。灭菌时应渐进升温,达到顶定温度后记录时间。烘箱内放置的物品的数量不宜过多,以免妨碍热对流和穿透,到指定时间断电后,待充分冷凉,才能打开烘箱,以免因骤冷而使器皿破裂。干热灭菌能源消耗太大,浪费时间。
(1)紫外线灭菌在接种室、超净台上或接种箱里用紫外灯灭菌。紫外线灭菌是利用辐射因子灭菌,细菌吸收紫外线后,蛋白质和核酸发生结构变化,引起细菌的染色体变异,造成死亡。紫外线的波长为200~300nm,其中以260nm的杀菌能力最强,但是由于紫外线的穿透物质的能力很弱,所以只适于空气和物体表面的灭菌,而且要求距照射物以不超过120 cm为宜。
(2)熏蒸灭菌用加热焚烧、氧化等方法,使化学药剂变为气体状态扩散到空气中,以杀死空气和物体表面的微生物。这种方法简便,只需要把消毒的空间关闭紧密即可。常用熏蒸剂是甲醛,熏蒸时,房间关闭紧密,按5~8ml/m3用量,将甲醛置于广口容器中,加5 g/m3高锰酸钾氧化挥发。熏蒸时,房间可预先喷湿以加强效果。冰醋酸也可进行加热熏蒸,但效果不如甲醛。化学消毒剂的种类很多,它们使微生物的蛋白质变性,或竞争其酶系统,或降低其表面张力,增加菌体细胞浆膜的通透性,使细胞破裂或溶解。一般说来,温度越高,作用时间越长,杀菌效果越好。另外,由于消毒剂必须溶解于水才能发挥作用,所以要制成水溶状态,如升汞与高锰酸钾。还有消毒剂的浓度一般是浓度越大,杀菌能力越强,但石炭酸和酒精例外。
CHITOSAN on andraeanum tissue inhibition of bacteria
Abstract: The fungi was isolated and purified from polluted anthurium subculture medium, identified to be DeuteromycotinaHyphpmycetes Hyphomycetales Dematiaceae and trichoderma. The inhibition effect of the three kinds of chitosan on the fungi wasconducted.The results showed that the chitosan had inhibition effect on the fungi. The higher concentrations of chitosan had a betteinhibition effect than the lower ones.The inhibition effect of 50000 and 250000 molecular weight chitosan is better than that of the3000 molecular weight. It is preliminarily proved that chitosan had good inhibition effect on the fungi from polluted tissue culture , andwill have good application value in the fields of pollution prevention in flowers tissue culture.
Key words: tissue culture; contamination; Chitosan; inhibition effect
Plant tissue culture, not only in plant breeding, rapid propagation of seedlings and the production of useful secondary metabolites, such as the use of a wide range of plant genetic engineering is and Plant Molecular Biology, one of the important foundation for the study [1]. Pollution, browning, glass and tissue culture are the main problems, including pollution of the most common [2]. Therefore take effective prevention and control measures to reduce the chance of contamination occurred, tissue culture is an important guarantee for success. Chitosan (chitosan) is the chitin in strong alkaline conditions from B
After the formation of acyl an important derivative is determined by a number of N-acetyl glucosamine through β-(1-4) glycosidic bond linking the nature of it more lively. Has natural antibacterial properties of chitosan, and a broad spectrum antimicrobial, in recent years, chitosan in various fields such as agriculture,medicine [3], manufacture [4], food [5], etc. The use of great importance. Tissue culture of the chitosan in the application of inhibition has not been reported. This experiment to be from the contaminated medium subculture andraeanum extraction, purification and identification of bacteria contamination, with different molecular weight chitosan and different concentrations of their inhibition, and explore the best inhibitory effect of chitosan molecular weight and the best inhibitory concentration, in order to explore the chitosan as a new type of antimicrobial agent to provide specific information.
After the formation of acyl an important derivative is determined by a number of N-acetyl glucosamine through β-(1-4) glycosidic bond linking the nature of it more lively. Has natural antibacterial properties of chitosan, and a broad spectrum antimicrobial, in recent years, chitosan in various fields such as agriculture,medicine [3], manufacture [4], food [5], etc. The use of great importance. Tissue culture of the chitosan in the application of inhibition has not been reported. This experiment to be from the contaminated medium subculture andraeanum extraction, purification and identification of bacteria contamination, with different molecular weight chitosan and different concentrations of their inhibition, and explore the best inhibitory effect of chitosan molecular weight and the best inhibitory concentration, in order to explore the chitosan as a new type of antimicrobial agent to provide specific information.
1 Materials and Methods
1.1 Test materials
1.1.1 Isolates
Streptomyces bacteria pollution (code-named WCHPA), separated from the laboratory contamination andraeanum subculture medium.
1.1.2 Test for Drugs
Chitosan, a Zhejiang Xing Biotechnology Australia Limited, a molecular weight of 3kd (degree of deacetylation> 80%), 50kd (degree of deacetylation> 90%), 25kd (degree of deacetylation> 90%)[6].
1.1.3 Medium PDA medium
Potatoes 200g, glucose 20g, agar 20g, distilled water 1000ml, pH value of the natural.
1.2 Test Method
1.2.1 Isolation and purification
Clean out the work in Taichung andraeanum subculture medium pollution fungi, from PDA medium. Repeat several times until the colony characteristics and morphology changes are no longer, we can identify bacteria have been purified.
1.2.2 Identification of bacteria contamination
Continuous observation of colony morphology after purification. Film production equipment to further observe the shape strain, mycelium, spores, spore cell spore cell morphology and conidiation of the ways and forms and so on, taking pictures with a digital microscope.
1.2.3 Bacteriostatic Test
That the different molecular weight chitosan with 1M solution of acetic acid dissolved mixed with PDA medium to produce a final concentration of chitosan (0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0)mg/ml of culture medium, 1M solution of sodium hydroxide by adjusting pH value of 6.0, in addition to the control without chitosan, the other with the addition of chitosan in the same medium[7]. To eliminate all high-pressure cooker sterilization 30min under 121 ℃ and pour plate. Mycelium white to green after 24h and then into a brown, hyphae developed, velvet-like, 3d training around the middle of the brown and white flocculent mycelium of fimbriae produced. Hyphae are separated from a long stalk conidia to produce lateral branches whorled branches meristematic conidiation short bottles. Single-cell conidia oval, smooth.
2 Results and Analysis
2.1 Andraeanum symptoms subculture medium pollution
Andraeanum subculture in growth medium brown Fimbriae, medium surface was black, brown and white mycelium on the flocculation between the hyphae.
2.2 fungal pure culture and identification of the results
PDA medium in the upper colony diameter, edge neatly, spore germination of the PDA medium by adding chitosan, 4d clearly observed after the colony is surrounded by a black halo, black halo and colony growth as to the relocation of . The better the general inhibitory effect of the more obvious black halo[8]. Colony has no control this phenomenon. Chitosan molecular weight and concentration of the bacteriostatic effect.
2.3. The same three concentrations of the bacteriostatic effect of chitosan molecular weight compared
Concentration of 0.5mg/ml 3 species of molecular weight chitosan WCHPA colony inhibitory effect of six concentrations of three kinds of molecular weight of chitosan on the inhibition rate of colony WCHPA results 0.5mg/ml concentration of three kinds of molecular weight chitosan there is no clear law, the maximum inhibitory rate of 50,000 in molecular weight of chitosan for the culture medium for 20.45%. Inhibitory rate and the time and no close ties. The results show that the concentration of 0.5mg/ml of the three kinds of molecular weight of the antibacterial effect of chitosan has not been satisfactory[9]. 5d prior to the first three kinds of chitosan molecular weight the greater the inhibitory rate of the higher molecular weight, and are extended over time to reduce the rate of inhibition. In paragraph 5d, 3000 molecular weight inhibitory rate of more than two other inhibitory rate of molecular weight, molecular weight and inhibition rate of 3000 also reached the highest value. At its bacteriostatic effect after 7d and 5d is similar to before, the greater the inhibitory rate of the higher molecular weight.
3 Discussion and conclusions
3.1 Chitosan as a potential new antibacterial agents
Pollution plant tissue can be broadly divided into two types of operations may produce air pollution mainly mold contamination; explants is itself brought about by bacteria primarily by fungal and bacterial contamination[10]. High inhibitory rate was as high as 79.55%. Antibiotics in tissue culture is now the most common molecular weight of chitosan and 3.2 have an important impact on antimicrobial properties of the experimental results from the 50,000 and 250,000 the bacteriostatic effect of chitosan molecular weight than that of 3000; the highest inhibitory rate in the 250,000 molecular weight concentration of 3.0mg/ml and 2.0mg/ml of the two. But on the whole, taking into account the factors of price and its operation to the conclusion that the experimental molecular weight of 50,000 as the best concentration of 1.5mg/ml.
3.2 Concentration on the antimicrobial properties of chitosan have a significant impact
1.1 Test materials
1.1.1 Isolates
Streptomyces bacteria pollution (code-named WCHPA), separated from the laboratory contamination andraeanum subculture medium.
1.1.2 Test for Drugs
Chitosan, a Zhejiang Xing Biotechnology Australia Limited, a molecular weight of 3kd (degree of deacetylation> 80%), 50kd (degree of deacetylation> 90%), 25kd (degree of deacetylation> 90%)[6].
1.1.3 Medium PDA medium
Potatoes 200g, glucose 20g, agar 20g, distilled water 1000ml, pH value of the natural.
1.2 Test Method
1.2.1 Isolation and purification
Clean out the work in Taichung andraeanum subculture medium pollution fungi, from PDA medium. Repeat several times until the colony characteristics and morphology changes are no longer, we can identify bacteria have been purified.
1.2.2 Identification of bacteria contamination
Continuous observation of colony morphology after purification. Film production equipment to further observe the shape strain, mycelium, spores, spore cell spore cell morphology and conidiation of the ways and forms and so on, taking pictures with a digital microscope.
1.2.3 Bacteriostatic Test
That the different molecular weight chitosan with 1M solution of acetic acid dissolved mixed with PDA medium to produce a final concentration of chitosan (0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0)mg/ml of culture medium, 1M solution of sodium hydroxide by adjusting pH value of 6.0, in addition to the control without chitosan, the other with the addition of chitosan in the same medium[7]. To eliminate all high-pressure cooker sterilization 30min under 121 ℃ and pour plate. Mycelium white to green after 24h and then into a brown, hyphae developed, velvet-like, 3d training around the middle of the brown and white flocculent mycelium of fimbriae produced. Hyphae are separated from a long stalk conidia to produce lateral branches whorled branches meristematic conidiation short bottles. Single-cell conidia oval, smooth.
2 Results and Analysis
2.1 Andraeanum symptoms subculture medium pollution
Andraeanum subculture in growth medium brown Fimbriae, medium surface was black, brown and white mycelium on the flocculation between the hyphae.
2.2 fungal pure culture and identification of the results
PDA medium in the upper colony diameter, edge neatly, spore germination of the PDA medium by adding chitosan, 4d clearly observed after the colony is surrounded by a black halo, black halo and colony growth as to the relocation of . The better the general inhibitory effect of the more obvious black halo[8]. Colony has no control this phenomenon. Chitosan molecular weight and concentration of the bacteriostatic effect.
2.3. The same three concentrations of the bacteriostatic effect of chitosan molecular weight compared
Concentration of 0.5mg/ml 3 species of molecular weight chitosan WCHPA colony inhibitory effect of six concentrations of three kinds of molecular weight of chitosan on the inhibition rate of colony WCHPA results 0.5mg/ml concentration of three kinds of molecular weight chitosan there is no clear law, the maximum inhibitory rate of 50,000 in molecular weight of chitosan for the culture medium for 20.45%. Inhibitory rate and the time and no close ties. The results show that the concentration of 0.5mg/ml of the three kinds of molecular weight of the antibacterial effect of chitosan has not been satisfactory[9]. 5d prior to the first three kinds of chitosan molecular weight the greater the inhibitory rate of the higher molecular weight, and are extended over time to reduce the rate of inhibition. In paragraph 5d, 3000 molecular weight inhibitory rate of more than two other inhibitory rate of molecular weight, molecular weight and inhibition rate of 3000 also reached the highest value. At its bacteriostatic effect after 7d and 5d is similar to before, the greater the inhibitory rate of the higher molecular weight.
3 Discussion and conclusions
3.1 Chitosan as a potential new antibacterial agents
Pollution plant tissue can be broadly divided into two types of operations may produce air pollution mainly mold contamination; explants is itself brought about by bacteria primarily by fungal and bacterial contamination[10]. High inhibitory rate was as high as 79.55%. Antibiotics in tissue culture is now the most common molecular weight of chitosan and 3.2 have an important impact on antimicrobial properties of the experimental results from the 50,000 and 250,000 the bacteriostatic effect of chitosan molecular weight than that of 3000; the highest inhibitory rate in the 250,000 molecular weight concentration of 3.0mg/ml and 2.0mg/ml of the two. But on the whole, taking into account the factors of price and its operation to the conclusion that the experimental molecular weight of 50,000 as the best concentration of 1.5mg/ml.
3.2 Concentration on the antimicrobial properties of chitosan have a significant impact
Qiu-ping [11], The results show that the antimicrobial effect of chitosan with its concentration increases, the experimental results support the results of the study. A wide range of applications of chitin, chitosan in the medical, food, environmental protection, in areas such as chemical products have wide-ranging and important applications. Chitosan flowers will be used for tissue culture would be very good prospects.
[1]MK.Razdan. Zun-Xiao-an, ZHU Yang translation. Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture [M]. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press ,2006:1-2.
[2]Hu, ZHANG Li-jun,baixuemei, et al. Plant Tissue Culture Pollution Analysis and the disinfection of explants [J]. Anhui Agricultural Science, 2007,35 (3) :680-681.
[3]Yi-Ting Wang,wanglianping , Mou Hero, et al. Industrial production of tissue culture studies of pollution and its control [J]. Anhui Agricultural Science, 2005, 33 (12): 2357 - 2358.
[4]Chiang big. Chitin [M]. Beijing: China Environmental Science Press, 1996.
[5]Fu Tian Xia, LIU Xiao-yu, Liu Zhiheng. Chitosan's antibacterial properties of the progress of applied research [J]. Liaoning Chemical, 2005,1234 (12) :541-544.
[6]Yu Hanshou, Wu Zhang, Yang Bing. Chitosan inhibit research progress of plant diseases[J].Natural products research and development,1999,12 (3) :94-97.
[7]Li Fang,shishaowei. Chitosan Preparation and application in the food industry Mechanism [J]. Food and Drug, 2006 (03A) :19-22.
[8]Wu, Xia water. Non-biological factors on the antibacterial activity of chitosan [J]. Food Science, 2004,25 (7) :53-55.
[9]wuxiaoyong, Qing-Xiao Zeng, MOshaofang. Several of the antibacterial properties of chitosan [J]. Food and Fermentation Industry, 2005,206 (2) :18-21.
[10]Hu, ZHANG Li-jun,baixuemei, et al. Plant Tissue Culture Pollution Analysis and the disinfection of explants [J]. Anhui Agricultural Science, 2007,35 (3) :680-681.
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摘要:在污染的红掌继代培养基中提取污染菌并进行了分离及纯化,初步鉴定为为半知菌亚门(Deuteromycotina),丝孢纲(Hyphpmycetes),丝孢目(Hyphomycetales),淡色孢科(Dematiaceae),木霉属(trichoderma)。研究了壳聚糖对该菌的抑制作用,探索了3种分子量及其6种浓度的壳聚糖对该菌的抑制效果。结果表明:壳聚糖对该污染菌有抑制作用,5 万和 25 万分子量的抑菌效果高于 3000 分子量,浓度越高,抑菌效果越好。初步证实了壳聚糖对组培污染菌类有很好的抑制作用,在花卉组织培养污染防治方面具有应用价值。
植物组织培养不仅在植物育种、 苗木快速繁殖和有用次生代谢产物生产等方面应用广泛,也是植物基因工程和植物分子生物学研究的重要基础之一[1]。污染、褐化、玻璃化等是组织培养存在的主要问题,其中污染最普遍 [2]。因此采取有效的防控措施,降低污染发生的机率,是组织培养成功的重要保障。壳聚糖(chitosan)是甲壳素在强碱性条件下进行脱乙酰基作用后形成的一种重要的衍生物, 是由多个N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖通过β-(1-4)糖苷键连接起来,但它的性质较为活泼。壳聚糖具有天然抑菌性能,且抑菌谱广,近年来壳聚糖在各个领域如农业、医学[3]、制造[4]、食品[5]等方面中的运用受到很大的重视。有关壳聚糖在组织培养中的抑菌应用尚未见报道。本实验拟从污染的红掌继代培养基中提取、纯化污染菌并进行鉴定,用不同分子量及其不同浓度的壳聚糖对其进行抑制实验, 摸索出抑菌效果最好的壳聚糖分子量及最佳抑菌浓度,为探索壳聚糖成为新型的抑菌剂提供具体信息。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
1.1.1 供试菌株
霉菌污染菌(代号 WCHPA),分离于实验室污染的红掌继代培养基中。
1.1.2 供试药品
壳聚糖,有浙江澳兴生物科技有限公司提供,分子量为3kd(脱乙酰度〉80%) ,50kd(脱乙酰度〉90%),25kd(脱乙酰度〉90%)[6]。
1.1.3 培养基 PDA培养基
1.2 试验方法
1.2.1 污染菌的分离及纯化
1.2.2 污染菌的鉴定
1.2.3 抑菌试验
称取不同分子量壳聚糖用 1M 的乙酸溶液溶解后与PDA培养基混合,制成壳聚糖终浓度分别为(0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5、3.0)mg/ml 的培养基,用 1M 的氢氧化钠溶液调节 pH 值为 6.0,对照除不加壳聚糖外,其他与加有壳聚糖的培养基相同[7]。高压灭均锅121℃下灭菌30min后倒平皿。产生白色菌丝24h后变为绿色继而变为褐色,菌丝发达,绒状,培养3d左右,在褐色菌丝中间有白色絮状的菌毛产生。菌丝有隔,分生孢子梗长,产生侧向分枝,分生枝上轮生短的产孢瓶体。分生孢子单胞卵圆形、光滑。
2 结果与分析
2.1 红掌继代培养基污染症状
2.2 真菌纯培养的形态特征及鉴定结果
菌落在 PDA 培养基上等径生长,边缘整齐,孢子萌发加入壳聚糖的PDA培养基,4d后能明显观察到菌落周围有黑色晕圈,且黑色晕圈随着菌落的生长而向外移。一般抑菌效果越好黑色晕圈越明显[8]。对照菌落始终没有出现这种现象。壳聚糖的分子量和浓度影响抑菌效果。
浓度为0.5mg/ml 3种分子量壳聚糖对WCHPA菌落的抑制效果 6个浓度3种分子量壳聚糖对WCHPA菌落的抑菌率结果0.5mg/ml 浓度的 3 种分子量壳聚糖之间没有明显的规律, 最高抑菌率出现在分子量为5万的壳聚糖培养基中为20.45%。抑菌率和时间上也没有紧密的联系。结果表明在0.5mg/ml 浓度下3种分子量的壳聚糖的抑菌效果都不理想[9]。第5d之前3种分子量壳聚糖分子量越大抑菌率越高,而且都是随着时间的延长抑菌率降低。在第5d,3000 分子量的抑菌率超过其它两种分子量的抑菌率,而3000分子量的抑菌率也达到最高值。在第7d后抑菌效果和第5d之前的相似,分子量越大抑菌率越高。
3 讨论与结论
3.1 壳聚糖成为新型抑菌剂的可能
植物组培的污染大致可分为两种,一种是操作中产生得污染,主要是霉菌的污染;一种是外植体自身所带杂菌主要是由真菌和细菌的污染[10]。高抑菌率高达79.55%。抗生素是现在组培中最常见,分子量对壳聚糖抗菌性能有重要影响,从实验结果来看5万和 25 万壳聚糖的抑菌效果要好于3000 分子量的;最高抑菌率出现在 25 万分子量 3.0mg/ml和 2.0mg/ml 两个浓度中。但总体考虑到价格及其操作因素上本实验的结论是5万分子量1.5mg/ml浓度为最佳。
3.2 浓度对壳聚糖抗菌性能有重要影响
[3]汪一婷,王连平,牟豪杰,等.工厂化生产组培苗的污染及其控制研究[J].安徽农业科学,2005, 33(12):2357- 2358.
[5]付田霞,刘晓宇,刘志恒.壳聚糖的抑菌性能应用研究进展[J].辽宁化工,2005,12 34 (12):541-544.
[10]胡凯,张立军,白雪梅,等.植物组织培养污染原因分析及外植体的消毒[J].安徽农业科学, 2007,35(3):680-681.